• 25 février 2024
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Valentyna most liked the latest soldiers, while the effect try shared

Valentyna most liked the latest soldiers, while the effect try shared

Members of the family declare that Valentyna never ever dreadful things. The new lifestyle out-of their particular comrades-in-fingers was indeed usually her first consideration, so she’d hurry to save them no matter how hazardous it had been.

« She is really caring and you will sympathetic. While i spotted just how she responded toward basic soldiers’ deaths, and it also triggered their high private discomfort, I failed to consider just how Valia would be able to work at the latest injured. But indeed there turned into a great fierceness because sensitive human anatomy. She stored hundreds of outstanding someone. Many of them proceeded to become commanders or deputy commanders off battalions. Unfortunately, most of them was basically murdered after the full-scale intrusion become, » Oksana Korchynska recounts.

« If she thought specific decision are unjust, she never kept quiet. A number of the commanders have been even quite afraid of their own while the of this, » Korchynska says.

« Prior to We realized Valentyna, one of several guys already been thanking me: ‘You spared living… Valiusha, Romashka.’ The guy consider I became their particular. Later on, We realized just how kind and you will absolute-hearted she was. It actually was incredible how she is actually in that way just after watching thus far sorrow. When she told some body out-of, she did it humanely, as opposed to humiliating them, » Oksana Feshchenko recollects.

To have saving soldiers during the strong matches during the Avdiivka, Valentyna is actually approved your order to possess Courage, Third-class. not, she don’t visit the awards service, while the she failed to want to log off their comrades-in-possession.

During the 2018, Valentyna chose to get administrator training courses and you may signal an agreement for the next five years. Oksana Korchynska tried to discourage their unique, stating it will be greatest getting their own to expend sometime together with her daughter. But Valentyna is resolute. She told you she’d act as enough time because the she you’ll – in thoughts out of their fallen brothers-in-palms.

Into the e significantly less than fire while on their unique cure for grab an injured guy. She is actually murdered, plus the driver.

Ilona Kurovska, volunteer

The last date Nina Berenok spoke to Valentyna was one hour before one. A little afterwards, Valentyna’s daughter called her. Their own malaysisk kvinder attraktive brothers-in-arms replied the device and you may shared with her that her mother is actually dry.

Valentyna are hidden when you look at the Kyiv from the Forest Cemetery. Due to the challenging disease from the fronts, just the extremely closest individuals her had been show pay their past areas.

« Valia lit up mans lifetime – she is a true warrior from white. Usually, she and that i simply have met regarding battle, however these conferences, personally, was in fact loaded with warmth. We patriots want the new military becoming manufactured of people particularly Valia. That is an arduous losses for your out of Ukraine. Anyone should contemplate how much she did, » claims Oksana Korchynska.

Brought services so you can occupied towns

Ilona Kurovska, forty-five, the former director of Institute from Laws of the Verkhovna Rada [brand new Ukrainian Parliament], organized the birth away from services towards village from Klavdiievo-Tarasove on the Bucha region from Kyiv Oblast at first from Russia’s full-scale invasion. She was slain towards when their unique vehicles went over a my own. Their own looks is entirely on dos April, following liberation out of Kyiv Oblast.

« I heard my personal youngster screaming. I went observe what got happened, and you can she was carrying the fresh gate to stop some drunk passer-from the off coming in, » Iryna recalls.

At school, Ilona is a good scholar who does feel issued a certificate regarding completion at the end of for every instructional year. She will regularly sing « Oi you luzi chervona kalyna » [« Oh, the reddish guelder-flower throughout the meadow », good Ukrainian people track – ed.] with her mother.